We can help
BACC is available to assist before, during, and after an emergency. Timing is crucial to recovery; in the aftermath of an emergency, call us for information, guidance, and referrals to local resources and on-site assistance, as required.
Having a comprehensive emergency plan in place is crucial to collection management, as well. Our team can provide you with useful information and guidance while your institution develops its emergency response and recovery plan.
Having a comprehensive emergency plan in place is crucial to collection management, as well. Our team can provide you with useful information and guidance while your institution develops its emergency response and recovery plan.
EMergency Preparedness Guides
The guides provide information specific to each geographic area within the western region. A well-prepared institution can respond more quickly and with greater efficiency to an emergency. These guides can help your institution develop an emergency telephone list and create and maintain a well-stocked area of supplies and equipment to use in initial recovery efforts.
Emergency Hotlines:
California Preservation Program Disaster Assistance: 888-905-7737
National Heritage Responders: 1-202-661-8068
Resources For Institutions: Field Guide to Emergency Response by the American Institute for Conservation includes helpful videos that demonstrate how to respond when collections are damaged by water and mud
This resource from the National Archives includes a list of contractors that can assist with drying and recovery of wet collections and includes a Sample Records Recovery Services List available for download. Consider BACC an additional resource for advice and planning!
The National Trust for Historic Preservation created this step-by-step guide for bringing your historic building back after a flood
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Museum Textile Services Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative resources for all stages of disaster response, from initial emergency response to securing funding to aid in continued recovery
Emergency Stabilization After a Flood Guide by Conservation Online (COOL)
Emergency Preparedness and Response AIC Wiki
National Resource for Disaster Preparedness by the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts
Resources For Individuals:
The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training Preservation in Practice Fact Sheets are well illustrated with helpful photos:
Furniture Salvage
BACC Resources:
Salvaging Photographs || Recuperación de Fotografías
Salvaging Books and Paper || Recuperación de Libros y Papel
Salvaging Textiles || Recuperación de Textiles
Salvaging Artworks || Recuperación de Arte y Objetos
California Preservation Program Disaster Assistance: 888-905-7737
National Heritage Responders: 1-202-661-8068
- The American Institute for Conservation’s National Heritage Responders (NHR) is a highly skilled team of conservators and other collections care professionals with expertise in emergency response. NHR members provide advice and on-site response to institutions via the hotline number listed above. All assistance provided by the NHR is free. Less urgent questions can also be answered by emailing [email protected]. Individuals and the general public should email [email protected] for advice.
- Also check out their step-by-step guide for drying wet collections and buildings
- NEDCC staff members are available 24/7 to provide telephone advice to institutions and individuals handling collection-related disasters. Information provided includes advice on drying wet collections and dealing with damage from fire, pests, and mold. This service does not include on-site assistance.
Resources For Institutions: Field Guide to Emergency Response by the American Institute for Conservation includes helpful videos that demonstrate how to respond when collections are damaged by water and mud
This resource from the National Archives includes a list of contractors that can assist with drying and recovery of wet collections and includes a Sample Records Recovery Services List available for download. Consider BACC an additional resource for advice and planning!
The National Trust for Historic Preservation created this step-by-step guide for bringing your historic building back after a flood
Northeast Document Conservation Center
- Emergency Salvage of Wet Books and Records
- Emergency Salvage of Wet Photographs
- Emergency Salvage of Moldy Books and Paper
- Freezing and Drying Wet Books and Records
Museum Textile Services Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative resources for all stages of disaster response, from initial emergency response to securing funding to aid in continued recovery
Emergency Stabilization After a Flood Guide by Conservation Online (COOL)
Emergency Preparedness and Response AIC Wiki
National Resource for Disaster Preparedness by the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts
Resources For Individuals:
The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training Preservation in Practice Fact Sheets are well illustrated with helpful photos:
- Saving Wet Photographs (See BACC Preventive Conservator Elizabeth Salmon at work in the photos!)
- Saving Wet Textiles
- Saving Wet Books After a Flood
- FEMA Fact Sheet on Salvaging Water-Damaged Family Valuables & Heirlooms
- Salvaging VHS Tapes and other magnetic media
Furniture Salvage
BACC Resources:
Salvaging Photographs || Recuperación de Fotografías
Salvaging Books and Paper || Recuperación de Libros y Papel
Salvaging Textiles || Recuperación de Textiles
Salvaging Artworks || Recuperación de Arte y Objetos